Friday, April 11, 2008

Haircuts and Crying

For those of you who saw the pictures in my last post, I look different now. Mommy decided that my hair was getting too long again and gave me a haircut all by herself. She was so proud of herself. The really cute part was that after she did it I rubbed my head and started whimpering as if I already missed my hair. It made Mommy laugh. But I've gotten used to it and don't mind it now. I've been busy driving her nuts. She thinks I'm still teething because I'm still drooling a lot, I have a runny nose, and I cry nonstop. Daddy went back to work on Tuesday, and I spent all day screaming when I realized he wasn't home. Once he got home I was fine. Since then I've just been downright cranky. Mommy can't wait until the teething phase is over. She says she's going crazy and that I'm driving her up a creek. But she still loves me.

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