Saturday, February 16, 2008

So Big!

I've started grabbing hold of things and pulling myself to a standing position. Once I'm up I usually will let go with one hand. I'm experimenting with letting go with both hands. I can also cruise around (sidestep) while holding onto things. I love this newfound freedom and exploring my world. Also, I've started using a big boy sippy cup. I love it! Mommy got me some because I kept trying to drink from my sister's. I am so big!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Little Shadow

Yesterday I discovered my shadow. Boy do I like him a lot! He is a lot of fun to play with. I kept laughing as I tried to grab onto him, but he just slipped right through my fingers every time! We had so much fun together.

Mommy held me up in front of the mirror to see if I would like my reflection. I don't like the boy in the mirror one little bit. mommy thinks it's because I could see him holding onto my mommy and I didn't want to share. I kept making faces and getting mad at the boy in the mirror as I clung to my mommy.

I have started pulling myself up on things, and I like it when Mommy holds my hands and lets me stand up and try to walk around. I am also starting to eat like a big boy. I eat stage 3 baby foods, and some of the Gerber Graduate things. I like the apple wagon wheels, and the fruit bites, and the finger food fruit puffs. Mommy also gives me big people food sometimes. I've had Macaroni n Cheese, and spaghetti, and mashed potatoes. I really like them all.