This was my first Easter. I had a great time. I went to my Meme's for dinner, and I went to church where we had a big breakfast. Then the Easter bunny came during my nap. He left me some squishy rubber trains, a little white bunny, and a blue bean bag Peep. Then when I went to my Gammy's house I found another Easter basket waiting for me with a green rubber ducky, another bunny, and blue bunny ears! That's me and my sister in the picture, wearing our bunny ears. Like I said, it was a wonderful weekend, and Mommy says I'll enjoy it even more next year.
My name is Kendrick, but most people call me Kenny. I have an older sister that I love a lot. My Mommy,Daddy,and sister all love me too! Mommy created this blog so family and friends can keep up with me as I grow.