Sunday, May 18, 2008
Will Walk for Cookies!
The other day, when I was visiting a friend, she was able to get her daughter to walk to her by offering her a cookie. So I decided to see if it would work for Kendrick. At first he wasn't sure what was going on, but he knew that he wanted that cookie! So after a few tries he took a few steps, then reached out really far and snagged that cookie. His eyes were round as saucers and his smile reached from one ear to the other. And if I recall correctly, he laughed when he took the cookie out of my hand. It was soooo cute!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Connor Turns 7
Yesterday Mommy took me to my cousin Connor's birthday party. He is turning 7 years old. I think he's a lot of fun so I smile and laugh at him a lot. When my Uncle Tim and Auntie Elita broke out the silly string I just sat there and looked at them like "what are you crazy people doing?" I've never seen anything like that before. I really liked Connor's balloons, they are so much fun. I also really enjoyed the cake and I got mad when Mommy said "No more, it's all gone."I also made a new friend named Elijah. He's a little younger than me, but he was fun to play with. Elijah's daddy and my Uncle Tim had a great time playing with the nerf guns Connor got for his birthday. Auntie Elita got some good pictures, which I expect she'll post on her site soon.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Car Seat
I think it's just a fluke or freak thing, or at least I'm hoping it is. If you read Jazmine's blog, you'll know that yesterday we went shopping to get a couple things we needed. Preparing to go home, I buckled Kenny into his carseat. A few seconds after we pulled out of the parking spot we heard a very faint click. I looked back, expecting to see Jazmine climbing out of her sear, but it was Kenny. Somehow he managed to unbuckle the top buckle and was chewing on it. Luckily we were still in the parking lot so I was able to fix it right away. He hasn't done it since, so I really hope he hasn't actually figured out how to work that buckle.
Monday, April 14, 2008
My First Birthday

Checking out the walker/rider Gammy, Auntie
Jenny, and Deb gave me

Playing with cousin Sarah

Get me out of here!!!

You want me to eat that?!

My little birthday cake

My Thomas the Tank Engine Cake
I turned 1 year old on Saturday. Mommy and Daddy threw me a Thomas the Tank Engine party. I had a lot of fun playing with the kids that came, and I like playing with the tissue/wrapping paper that my gifts were wrapped in. Here are some pictures that Auntie Elita took (Mom says thank you by the way) of the festivities.
So Big!
I went for my 12 month check-up today. Guess what! I am 30.5 inches long and I weigh 20.5 pounds. My sister, who is a year and a half older than me is 33 inches long and weighs 24 pounds. This means I am only 2.5 inches shorter and weigh 3.5 pounds less than Jazzie. Mommy says it won't be long before I catch up to and pass her. I am such a big boy!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
When Mommy came upstairs to get me after my nap this morning she saw what she thought was blood on my shirt (it was just the red dye from the shirt I had over it cuz I had been sucking on it) so she checked my mouth and guess what. I have 3 teeth that broke through overnight. Two on the top and one on the bottom. Crazy! Talk about a birthday present.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Haircuts and Crying
For those of you who saw the pictures in my last post, I look different now. Mommy decided that my hair was getting too long again and gave me a haircut all by herself. She was so proud of herself. The really cute part was that after she did it I rubbed my head and started whimpering as if I already missed my hair. It made Mommy laugh. But I've gotten used to it and don't mind it now. I've been busy driving her nuts. She thinks I'm still teething because I'm still drooling a lot, I have a runny nose, and I cry nonstop. Daddy went back to work on Tuesday, and I spent all day screaming when I realized he wasn't home. Once he got home I was fine. Since then I've just been downright cranky. Mommy can't wait until the teething phase is over. She says she's going crazy and that I'm driving her up a creek. But she still loves me.
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